Naruto: Naiteki Kensei

| Sabtu, 14 Juli 2012

Naruto: Naiteki Kensei is a free total-conversion of Half-Life 1 that offers a new and unique fast-paced gaming experience based on the hit Japanese anime Naruto. Combining aspects of a third-person shooter and an action-based fighter, players will be able to go head-to-head against others online casting clever and powerful jutsus, performing evasive, acrobatic, and free-form movement and melee, and utilizing an array of weapons with multiple functions easily and evenly.

Players are able to transverse through full 3D environments, utilizing various ways of movment such as walking on walls and water or dashing around the streets of a village.Gameplay consists of three main systems: weapons (#2-0 or mouse scroll), jutsus (holding shift and inputting a combination of WASD keys), and taijutsu or melee (#1 slot).The weapons included have both primary and secondary functions for each one. Players are able to use kunais as a melee weapon and are able to throw them. Shurikens can be thrown one at a time yet accurately, or multiple stars in a spread-out shotgun manner. Exploding tags can be stuck on surfaces and players, as well as being able to throw one connected to a kunai.The jutsu system allows players to execute powerful jutsus or techniques. By holding shift, players will then input combo strings of 2-4 using WASD on the keyboard. Correctly inputting a combo will then execute its respective attack.

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Cara maen NNK non-steam :
1) Download 2 file, installernya naruto naiteki kensei dan cs16_full-v40:

Download  cs16_full-v40
Download naruto_naiteki_kensei_vol_1.exe

2)Install CS16_full-V40_DiGiTALZONE.exe
3)Install Naruto_Naiteki_Kensei_vol_1.exe didalam folder CS16_full-V40_DiGiTALZONE.exe
(contoh : "D:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6 V40")
4)simpan NNK.bat didalam folder CS16_full-V40_DiGiTALZONE.exe
Hide link nnk.bat

5)Jalankan nnk.bat untuk maen !!

gw udah test find server dan bisa keluar list2nya(sebelumnya yang pake steam ga bisa keluar), cuma berhubung servernya ada VAC(Valve Anti-Cheat, untuk yang legal,non-crack) jadi tiap kali masuk ada tulisan "Steam Validation Rejected"...
Ayo, kalo udah ada yang install, nanti coba pake hamachi.. iss:

buat LAN bisa, cuma masih blon tau caranya maen multiplayer, mgk perlu dedicated server

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